As lockdown begins to ease and life starts to look like returning to normal, I am feeling more optimistic and inspired.

Over the months I have been giving my art direction a lot of thought. I have been thinking about how I paint and why; a very useful process to go through, particularly when there are less demands on my time. My focus has been very much on how I can convey a sense of a place which isn’t real but might exist in an amalgamation of memories. My intention being to capture a sense of timelessness or fleeting moments which linger in the mind but with a vagueness attached. I like the feeling of looking out to sea and drifting off into a trance or a daydream.

Technically I have been looking to abstraction to help me achieve these ideas. By removing the specifics of a place I hope to create a new visual space. To help achieve this I have been using texture to conjure up the feel of a place and heightened colour to remove it from realism.

These paintings are pieces that I have been working on most recently. They may change a little yet but I need to live with them for a short while before I decide.

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